Hey, they look kinda pretty on the ground. Maybe I should just leave them there. Leaf well enough alone, get it? Oh. You did. Okay, just checking.
Exercise Status:
Still having problems with the neck. Tried 10 push ups, it was interesting, in a not-at-all-fun way, how I could feel the pain radiating from the neck outward along both shoulders. More ibuprofen.
On the plus side, it's doing great things for my posture. I can't get comfortable unless I'm sitting up prim and proper: spine straight, shoulders back, chin down. Anything else hurts.
Another plus, legs don't hurt. I can walk, and do so. With erect posture.
Procrastination status:
Except that I don't have time to walk. I have got to clean all the leaves out of the gutters or apparently something awful will happen to my house. I'm trying to ignore the contradiction between the no-time-to-exercise and I-don't-wanna-clean-house-I-wanna-blog excuses.
Since it's warm and dry inside, and grey and damp outside, I'm procrastinating on the useful stuff. Been reading other people's lives instead. Vicarious excitement is where it's at, baby.
I enjoyed the Menopausal Old Bag's take on Glaswegian Translators. (I don't mind if they don't want to speak English, but could they maybe speak American instead? My strongest memory of Glasgow is traveling around with pencil and notepad asking people to write down what they'd just said.)
Coffee Helps offered up a really strange parody of Korean pop music. Even if I did understand the context of the parody, I think I'd find that video clip bizarre.
I spent a few minutes experiencing Paris at the Place de la Sorbonne with The Bold Soul. Sigh... I wanna travel.
Damn. The sun just came out. That means I need to rake. It's that time of year. The city is going to come around and take leaves off my hands (or at least off my driveway)
The sad part is, there are still several trees hanging onto their leaves, waiting until I rake this lot up before they let go.
Maybe I should drink a glass of juice first. I
Strong drink sounds like the answer.