There's an airshow in town this weekend. Which means a lot of acrobatics and low-flying jets.
Ordinarily, this would mean I get a free show. But this weekend the cloud cover is so low that even when it sounds like they're scraping the roof, I can't see the planes. It's rather like being in a house that has a really good party going on in the next room.
Have to stop exercising for the next two days. Am making a note of it here so that I will be forced, indeed shamed, to do something once I'm able. It's so easy to fall out of the exercise habit. I know some people get addicted to running. I, for one, could use that sort of addiction.
Update du Tuesday: Hey, it's 6:47 pm. The night is still young. There is still time for me to exercise. Five hours and thirteen minutes. Plennnnnnty o' time. Probably.
Update du Wednesday morning: Don't look at me like that. There were reasons. And I'm off to walk right now. (No, really, I am. Honest.)
Photo credit: phxwebguy