- Bill Watterson
Exercise du jour: Monday's are always a whirl of pressure and obligation. Let's try doing push ups -- the full version, and see how many I can squeeze in.
Note: I'm setting the goals small because I'm trying to get back into the habit of success. Then I'll stretch myself.
Cherry blossom world courtesy of Macartisan.
Did 30 situps, stopped when my back began to hurt. Did 7 full pushups. Did -- damn, I've already forgotten -- about 20 not-even-close squats
I've been thinking about attempting the pushups challenge...again. Thinking is good, right?
I'm with you. Setting small goals.
Huh, those are cherry blossoms? I was wondering.
And I love that quote. It speaks to me...
No goals are small goals! Or at least that's my theory.
I'm wondering: if I bought a pushup bra, would that be considered a challenge? Or a small goal?
hisisses: original name of Hershey's kisses, before marketing sobered up and came to their senses
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