Photo: ny156uk
Quote du jour:
Lord, bid war's trumpet cease;
Fold the whole earth in peace.
~Oliver Wendell Holmes
Lord, bid war's trumpet cease;
Fold the whole earth in peace.
~Oliver Wendell Holmes
Some are still giving: The Sandbox -- military blog.
Giveaway du jour: Another storage box. Puts giving things up in perspective when you remember it's Veteran's day.
Bloody hell. Yes, I went through a storage box, and yes I found a book I could give away, but it didn't feel like giving. I have to hope that it counts even if it doesn't feel like I'm giving.
The sad part is that I wish today was yesterday. I got four hours of sleep last night; as a result, I drank several cups of coffee today in an attempt to remain vertical. And as a result of that, by the end of the day I was a hyper-caffeinated-bitch-on-wheels. I should really have shown a couple of people the 'benefit of the doubt' that I was so willing to give yesterday. Oi vey.
Exercise du jour: 3rd week of the couch to 5k.

1 comment:
It really does put it all in perspective. Thanks Merry!
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