see more Monday Through Friday
Quote du jour: Hell, there are no rules here - we're trying to accomplish something.
- Thomas Edison
Okay, yesterday started out great, finished up terrible. I suppose it's one of the benefits from suffering from Too Damn Stubborn syndrome, but I don't care. Day 3 of the 12.5% solution. New day, new chance to make the goal. Still not feeling great, but I am feeling a lot better. I can do this.
Morning: 1 hour elliptical

Noon: 1 hour DVD

Evening: 1 hour

Every time I think the USA has reached a new low in politicians, I am surprised once again. Why does anyone pay any attention at all to these fruit loops?
I'm still trying to work that one out. I think it's the hair.
I detest that woman.
And listen, an hour of ellipticalling? I can't do that. Much less do that and then even entertain the thought of two additional hours of exercise in the same day. You are a rockstar!
who is this woman?
we on this side of the ocean have no idea
Mouse, you are blessed! She's hoping to become President. Be afraid.
Shelley, I don't think I have the resistance high enough on the elliptical; it seems much easier than all that danged running that you do. I'll have to up the resistance a bit next time.
Good luck on the exercise, Merry.
Good luck to our country; with the current crop that's in office, we need it.
Every time I see Michele Bachman I get so very, very afraid. How are these people even allowed to speak out loud? Why aren't they ridiculed and booed off stages?
What Ink Spiller said. Yet another reason I am no longer allowed to have weapons.
Yay for your three hours! I posted a comment yesterday about trudging around the state fair grounds for endless hours in Salem, but it is now lost. (And it was so much more amusing than how I just wrote it here. Lol, sure it was.)
The really scary part is that she has followers. I'm pretty sure we're doomed.
cation - taking the va out of your time off.
I think I am very glad that I don't know who that lady is. Did she really say that?
That's a lot of moving you're doing there.
wow, no wonder she's so popular. nutcase.
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