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Quote du jour: With ordinary talent and extraordinary perseverance, all things are attainable.
- Thomas Foxwell Buxton
Okay, finished week 1 of the 30 day push. No body parts fell off.
It takes a lot of discipline to do three hours of exercise a day. (Yeah, brilliant thought, Merry. Any more gems to share?) Specifically, it takes the discipline to exercise early and exercise often.
I am good at getting things done by the end of the day, but that doesn't work with this challenge. I have to get up and exercise first thing in the ... shudder morning. It's too early for that kind of thing, but there's no way I will be able to wait to the last minute and then do three hours on the elliptical. Posting the exercise up here does seem to be helping to make me follow through. Knowing that there are
Exercise du jour:
Morning -- call me traditional, but it works. Going for that hour on the elliptical before it gets too hot.

Noon -- walking, preferably somewhere reallllllllly shady. I probably could get a workout trying to find parts in Home Depot to fix my air conditioner.

Night -- stretching, core-strengthening exercises.

Yep, i've gotten those "looking for something and have to walk about a mile and search high and low to find it in the big box store" workouts.
Good luck, you can keep it going.
You don't know me, but I thought I'd better let you know I HAVE been checking in [with hope that you'll succeed] and my own inner slug is beginning to feel guilty about being such a slothful sluggard, so I may have to make my own plan and begin it. I don't think I could manage anything like three hours, even at a gentle pace, but I will have to come up with something.
So far, I'm just sitting taller while I consider possible options. But each day I see you're continuing it gets more difficult to rationalize not starting a program of my own.
I don't know whether that's encouraging or guilt inducing, but it is true. And I WILL keep checking.
MessyM, these days I've taken to printing out what I'm looking for and showing it to the big box salesman. Otherwise, they tend to shrug and say "we don't carry that" rather than bother to help look for it.
Hi Nancy! Thanks for the comment. It's good to know that you're out there, and yes it does help motivate me to workout. Hopefully, my motivation will in turn help motivate you, and your motivation will help motivate someone else, and... hey, wanna start a movement? :)
We must be on the same wavelength today or something. I woke up and and shudder exercised first thing as well. Great minds think alike.
Now the important question: do you also have a bottle of white wine chilling in YOUR fridge??
Wine? In my frig? Oh no, no, no. I'm a good girl I am.
(Whew! Good thing she didn't ask about beer... I mean, not that I usually, but it's 100 degrees and I don't have air conditioning and... and... gosh darn it, I just do, okay?)
Love that puppy!
The only "problem" with your plan is that you get up and exercise, and then you don't even get the satisfaction of being done for the day...nope...two more hours still await!
I still bow to your tenacity in doing this - congrats on one week down!!!
Day three of trying to comment... perhaps I just haven't had anything nice to say? Nah!
Way. To. Go. YOU!!! This is so cool. I am very inspired by you right now. I trudged the neighborhood for 55 minutes. It's all I could handle, but hey, better than nuthin' that's for sure.
And I thought I was doing good to get in 45 minutes of exercise yesterday...
Stress and angst are great cardio, aren't they? They sure get the heart pumpin'!
(And I, too, love that puppy!)
Yousa crazy! Good for you, go girl!!
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