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You can never tell if a run is going to turn out okay after all.
Well, maybe if you've just broken both legs you can tell. Otherwise, no.
Even if you (I mean me, but it's easier to tell this to someone else) really don't feel like doing the workout, you can end up having a good time.
So far, I'm making it through the last week of the C25k, running 30 minutes at a time. The shins seem to be accepting this level of exercise without too many complaints.
I'm doing pretty pathetic on the cycling, partly because it involves a lot more organization beforehand, i.e. I have to lay out cycling clothes, pack clothes for work, and -- this is the clincher -- haul myself out of bed early enough so I can ride in. Have to confess, sometimes I take the Max in and then cycle back. Better than nothing.
Surprisingly, my horrible week of eating only earned me half a pound more on the scale (+.6). I'm really surprised that it wasn't worse than that. Then this morning, I lost 2-1/2 pounds. It's been a couple years since I was last down at this weight.
Plus, at the meeting last night, I met a couple of girls who are just starting the C25k so they could run the Shamrock 5k. I told them if they signed up for the Shamrock 5k, I would too. (Um... I suppose that means I have to do it. I was thinking of maybe not going for it -- there's going to be a lot of people -- but I suppose that means there might be 2 or even 3 people slower than I am!)
Site du jour: This week Middle-aged dating is posting re-runs of her most memorable dates from the last year or so.
Exercise du jour: Walking to work from the Max station plus the all-important hour's walk at lunch. I'm getting rained on a lot this week. God bless Oregon.

Another 5k already? Someone has the racing bug ;)
Thanks for the sweet comment on my daddy post.
Congrats! 2.5 ... woo hoo!
You. Must. Race. I refuse to be the only resident of cuckoo town, damn it. :)
What a journey! I have an annoying calf best friend is ice!
Way to go committing to the 5k! Now you have to do it ! And you will love it :)
I'm not surprised your week of horrible eating ended up with a loss after a few days. Switching things up can bring really great results.
You will do great in the 5K.
Yay! for running! I've been doing a lot of workout DVDs at home, lately, and less running (or more accurately, walking with intervals of running). I just can't drag my ass out of bed early enough to get to the gym these days. There is far too much grey in the sky to leave my warm bed at 4am.
hahahahaha - SUCKER :P
I'm glad your shins are holding up.
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