My Commute:

Butterflies, squirrels, the occasional cat. Somewhere off in the distance I can hear a very persistent rooster, who seems convinced at mid-afternoon is the crack of dawn. (I can only suspect he's been reading Julie's blog.)
All I need is a paycheck, and life would be perfect.
Don't mean to sound like I'm bragging (much) but it is beautiful out. Not too hot, not too cold, but juuuuust right. This doesn't happen very often.
The job hunt continues. I polished up the resume and sent it off to a consultant; we'll see what he thinks. Tomorrow I start the 'self-help' seminars at the consultant's website. We'll see what I think.
Exercise du jour: Managed 15 minutes on the elliptical. The knee didn't start to hurt until 10 minutes in. Good thing I have such a short commute.
You deserve some major relaxation - glad to see you're getting the beautiful weather to go along with it!
Thank you, Shelley! I wish I could share. (The weather, that is.)
TAUNTING! That's a 15 yard penalty and loss of coffee.
I also wish you could share the weather. I will give you all of our summer for just a few days of yours.
Good luck with the consultant. I hope it's productive, since you obviously have waaaay too much free time on your hands.
Well, look at this verification:
No, I did not make that up. Google has a sick sense of humour.
Lol, a nocturnal rooster! He obviously is a guy after my own wee heart.
Isn't the weather perfect?! Guess what I did today? WALKED! It was horrific, but I lived.
Your office is perfection.
Love your office. I'm getting my work laptop tomorrow. Perhaps I should work remotely from your patio too. It'd be a sacrifice, but I'd do it for the greater good.
So jealous! Your office looks beautiful.
And good luck with the job hunt. Don't take any wooden nickels from that consultant ;)
Thanks, G! I'll definitely check any coinage the consultant gives me :)
Xenia, please do drop by. If you feel the need to bring a couple men in kilts, well, I'd hate to cramp your style.
Julie, good job on the walking!
KDJ... Moi? Taunting? With this innocent expression? How can you even think such a thing? (I do hope the weather gets more cooperative soon.)
I made it as far as upstairs to the kitchen and the coffee pot. I admire your ability to get out to the patio.
At least it's nice out on the patio, weather-wise.If it was January, you might be bumming and would have to redraw your picture: bed>coffee>sofa.
Love your office; any way you can land a job that lets you telecommute permanently? Then again, that might not be a great idea when winter comes.
Praying you get something very quickly.
It's true that summer 'round these parts generally lasts two or three days. I do have a room that I use as an office during the colder months. I would love a job where I could telecommute. I'll have to add that to my wish list.
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