Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Tuesday, Tuesday

Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later.
-Og Mandino
  • a.m.: 15 minutes cleaning -done. shoveled snow from in front of the garbage cans so that hopefully the nice garbagemen will come by and pick it up.
  • noon: 15 minutes organizing shoveling snow so the mailman can still come to visit even if it does ice over -done
  • p.m.: Walking and strengthening exercises -done


messymimi said...

While i can see how having snow would be built in exercise when you need to clear it out, i'm still glad i don't live where i have to do that. Hope you do get your garbage picked up and your mail delivered!

The Merry said...

Yes! I got both. Things that I usually take for granted but today were like prizes.