The prep:
- Several cups of coffee
- A few minutes of watching scary adrenaline-rush scenes from a movie
- 10 warm up push ups
The test:
- 80 push ups
- pause for 15 seconds
- 20 push ups
The result:

Done! I wanted to do it, and I did. There's a small voice that tells me that the 15-second rest period was a cheat and I didn't 'really' pass. What I figure is, if I only needed to stop for 15 seconds, then I could have gone on and done another week of prep and passed straight through. I'm taking a shortcut here, but it's so minor as to not tarnish the icon up on my sidebar. I figure I earned it.
Note: In another nine days, it will be
a full year since I first tried, and failed, to do one single full body push up.
WHOOHOOO. Congrats, thats awesome!
Thank you, Tricia!
OMG, that is sooooo studly. I'm up to 5 "real" pushups from 0. Hmm, have a ways to go still. :) You rock!
woot! way to go! I'm impressed that anyone can stick with the whole program (but that's mostly because I get bored & quit right about week 3 or 4 every time).
Cheering jealously! Every time I do more than three pushups, my left shoulder says "Stop This Now."
Mary Anne in Kentucky
OMG, 100 pushups!!!
Hope you're pretty darn proud of yourself. That's fantastic!
WOW - that is fantastic!!! I love the last sentence in your post - it gave me goosebumps. Amazing, truly amazing, what one can do when one really want's it. I am so happy for you...and now, inspired - I wonder how many I can do?
Woo hoo! You rock!
Way to go! I did this in the spring. Feel the burn! Now for the 200 pushups!
...or 200 SITUPS! ;)
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Um... wait a minute. What was that last comment? What 200 pushups????!!!!
Oh whew the 200 situps! Been there, done that, got the sidebar icon.
You had me worried there.
Wow. Just wow.
It has been one hell of a year. So very impressed. Favourably, even. ;)
Seriously, you need to move those icons up a bit on the sidebar. Way up. To the top. This is a big deal and I'm very proud of you.
Please note, however, that I am hereby formally declining your offer to arm wrestle in order to settle the question of who should be awarded possession of your collection of Hugh Jackman pictures.
equist: fancy yet decisive move performed in arm wrestling, usually motivated by thoughts of Hugh Jackman
From not-even-one to 100 pushups?!? Nicely done!! Congrats!
Holy shit, well done! I'm so proud of you. I can barely do one as it is. I probably should give this another go. For like the tenth time...
Congrats again!
100 push-ups - that's amazing! Good going!
Well done, indeed.
No way I'd get through a hundred push ups, even with a 15 second break. Or a 60 second break for that matter. Or 120 seconds. Well done!
Too much for me! I feel dead after riding a couple of horses a day.
Congratulations. You have totally inspired me to try the challenge. I have talked a few co-workers and my so-so gym partner to give it a whirl (we're starting on the 30th). I'm wondering if I can count the 16 push-ups I had to do during my kickboxing class on Sat (we were supposed to do 20) as my initial test. Im not going to think about it until Mon (and until my armpits stop hurting).
Thank you for the inspiration and keep up the great work.
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