Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Putting the world on notice

To whom it may concern:

This is an official notification of the fact that I am expecting great things.

By the end of 2009, I am going to damn well be thin.
(My definition of 'thin' at this time is 'normal weight as defined by the BMI.' I know that's not always an ideal standard, but it is as good as anything from my current perspective.)

By the end of 2009, I am going to run a 5k, and do so easily. Smiling, damn it.
By the end of 2009, I am going to cycle a metric century (100km). Smiling, damn it.

Further goals will be posted as I become aware of them.

Be warned, world.

Photo courtesy of NASA.


Anonymous said...

You go, girl! Take no prisoners.

Lunmusta: Merry's reply when asked "who dunnit"

Heather said...

and I know you can do it all this year! happy new year!