Please read carefully, as the menu options may have changed.
- For motivation about exercise, click 1
[A Merry Life blog] - For whining about life, especially as it relates to exercise, click 2
[Classic Cranky Fitness] - For general observations and fairly deep thoughts, click 3
[My Journey to Fit blog] - To learn how to gain 10 pounds in 3 days, click 4
[Nothing but Bonfires blog]
I hope this means you are having a day off and enjoying it to the fullest.
No, it means I'm planning to take tomorrow off and do something important, like exercise, instead of this execrable work.
Hey! I just left a comment. Is comment moderation on, or have I lost my mind? (Never mind. Don't answer that.)
Aaaaand, it's clearly the latter. Sheesh. (To borrow a phrase. ;D)
Oh, I'm so glad I'm not the only one that has unplugged lately. (I think I'm allergic to my computer...testing that theory out).
I had a post a while ago "When A Spouse Calls You Fat" that was removed. You mentioned you were looking for it to finish reading it. I'm guest-blogging on Larkspur's "Am I Really That Fat?" and have re-posted it there, if you are still interested.
Your post is very clever :)
Oops. I forgot to give you the link:
And here I was hoping that you would have had a longer time with Hugh...
You are one funny blogging chick person!
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