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Okay, so maybe he's not exactly a hunk, but I liked the pun.
Quote du jour: The impossible is often the untried.
- Jim Goodwin
Word du jour: Minging. I had to look this word up, as I'd never encountered it before. Used in reference to haggis-flavored potato chips, it apparently means "smelly, distasteful, ugly or drunk." I'm going to assume the potato chips weren't actually drunk. (Thanks to Shauna from The Amazing Adventures of Diet Girl for expanding my vocabulary.)
Site du jour: You've probably seen this before, but I loved Dogs don't understand moving, from Hyperbole and a half. Almost as funny as their classic pain scale. ("Huh. I never knew that about giraffes.")
Exercise du jour:Last day of c25k, week 6
Brisk five-minute warm up walk, then jog 2-1/4 miles (or 25 minutes) with no walking. Watch this space for a gold star.

Ack! That means I've got to do it.
Thank you so much for the link to the dog story. I laughed so hard.
Enjoy your run. :)
Minge is a euphemism for a woman's you-know-what too. Lovely.
Huh. The Urban Dictionary has about 40 definitions/examples of this word, but most of them can be summed up as "yuck."
The odds of my actually using this word in a conversation are going downhill pretty fast.
Still, I liked this one definition:
Word that sounds ridiculous when used by posh people who think it’ll give them street cred.
Like most slang, the people who originate it get resentful when others try to use it.
OMG - that "Dogs don't understand moving" has me laughing so hard I'm snorting and crying...at work!! Thanks for the link! Now I'm going to try the pain scale one. Heaven help me!
whoohoo enjoy the run
You always find the best stuff.
Good work on the C25K.
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