see more Monday Through Friday
Quote du jour: I was so cold the other day, I almost got married.
- Shelley Winters
Quiz du jour: Reader, I married him, a quiz about lines from well-known books in English literature. Some of them I could identify the book, some I could only identify the author. A couple, alas, I knew them not.
Exercise du jour: 4 miles walking, 15 minutes ellipticalling.
Sigh. Yes, again. Let's see if I can do the full stint this time, even though I hab a code and hab to sneeze before I can breed through my nodz. (Yes, having a cold does make me type like that. What? It doesn't affect your spelling?)

Yes. We are hitting that time of year when it hurts to get out of the shower.
Good luck with the walking & ellipticalling.
Hoping you feel better soon.
Thanks for the quiz! I'm not going to tell you how badly I did. I hope your code gets bedder soon.
Oh no! You have a cold! Crappy! If I had a cold, I would definitely skip exercising. So cheers to you for all that walking!
It's getting dampish down in this direction, as well as windy right now. I have found that wearing gloves on my rides makes a HUGE difference!
NyQuil is the BEST!!!
Nyquil is great stuff! I got about half the books. Take a look at the temperature forecast on my blog, and you'll feel better about the cold.
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