Hella long Quote du jour:
Researchers at the University of Massachusetts show
that, after just one day of not exercising, your body loses some
of its ability to respond to insulin (Metabolism: Clinical and
Experimental, July 2011). Inability to respond to insulin is the
cause of most cases of diabetes that has the potential to cause
premature death in one of every three North Americans.
HOW SUGAR DAMAGES CELLS: After you eat, blood sugar levels
rise. If they rise too high, sugar sticks to outer cell membranes
to destroy those cells. That's why diabetics suffer from damage
to every cell in their bodies, leading to blindness, deafness, dementia, heart attacks, strokes, impotence, and damage to nerves, kidneys or liver. To keep blood sugar levels from rising too high, your pancreas releases insulin which drives sugar from the bloodstream into cells. Exercising every day helps to keep sugar levels from rising too high.
HOW CONTRACTING MUSCLES CAN PREVENT DIABETES: Resting muscles cannot draw sugar from the bloodstream without receiving large amounts of insulin. However, contracting muscles can remove sugar from the bloodstream without using insulin. This effect is maximal during exercise and is gone completely after 17
ONE MISSED DAY OF EXERCISE: In the study from the University of Massachusetts, after just one day of sitting, people had higher blood sugar levels after a meal, decreased ability to respond to insulin, and higher insulin levels. The more food they ate on the day of not exercising, the higher their blood sugar levels, and the less their bodies responded to insulin. This study shows that just one day of not exercising increases a person's risk for the side effects of diabetes.
HOW TO EXERCISE EVERY DAY: Many people become injured when they try to exercise every day. The most likely cause is that they do not understand the hard-easy principle that every knowledgeable exerciser should learn. You take a more intense workout on one day. The next day, you can expect to feel sore. That is when you must put very little pressure on your muscles. That means to run, dance, skate, cycle very slowly or lift lightly until the soreness diminishes. Only then should you move faster and lift heavier. You can tell that you are headed for an injury if you feel soreness that is not symmetrical and it worsens with exercise. Stop because continuing discomfort with exercise is often a sign of impending injury.
- Dr. Mirkin
Okay, I have a plan. Yesterday started off pretty good, with me drinking like a fish. I drank about three liters of water in the morning, but I slacked off in the afternoon only to find Mr. Headache coming back for a visit.
So today, I'm hitting the bottle every hour from the moment I walk in the front door to the last-minute frantic dash for the exit at night. And I'm going to exercise.
4 miles. 15 minutes elliptically. It shall be done, damn it.

Also, i've been told that the best way to drink water is in huge spurts through the day. No, i don't know why it's better like that, but my Pilates teacher at the church says to wait until you are thirsty, drink a lot at one go, then wait until you are thirsty again.
OK... first of all, I spent Halloween watching the South Park spook fest while I sat guard waiting for trick-or-treaters and I'll never be able to think of the word "hella" the same way again!
Secondly, I think that if they publicized the fact that diabetes can cause impotence, you'd see a hella lot more people jumping on the exercise bandwagon!
Finally... I'm doing a 30 day yoga challenge. Does yoga count as exercise?
Interedsting quotes du jour. Hmmm.
Water. Thanks for the reminder. I keep forgetting that it has more uses than just showers.
Kelly -- you can also swim in the stuff ;) No end to its versatility.
EcoCL -- be very, very careful when you question whether yoga is exercise. I did that once, in a post on Cranky Fitness, and had hordes of people (well, maybe one small horde) telling me quite firmly that it damn well was exercise.
MessyM -- I'll have to try that tomorrow.
Hmm. That quote caused me some consternation and even scared me into going out for a walk this morning. I may have to do it again tomorrow morning.
Judith, lol: "...even scared me into going for a walk..."
No wonder I get twitchy now if I take a day off. This exercisey thing is just sneaky as hell.
The injurie part was confusing though.
Oh my... well, I suppose it's all a matter of perspective isn't it? I've definitely made myself sore doing yoga (like when I'm watching football and haven't noticed that I just did like 100 sun salutations) but more often than not it's just nice stretching with a tad bit of strength involved. Perhaps if I weren't such a lazy ass yogifier?
Of course, some people say that gardening is exercise too, and I consider that an extreme form of loafing... well... justifiable loafing because I'm producing food... dammit!
And I just want to say that all of the people complaining about how hard it is to bathe a Jack Russel terrier have obviously never tried to give a bath to a feral cat who has just been sprayed by a skunk! Just sayin'...
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