- Nelson Mandela
Thanks to the amazing MessyMimi, I now know that today is National Cliché day. And it is a cliché that you can do more than you think you can.
When I absolutely positively cannot in any way Get Up And Exercise... for some reason, I can almost always still manage to get on the elliptical for 15 minutes. Can't manage half an hour, 20 minutes is still too long. But just 15 minutes, well, the bar is set low enough that the weary brain can grasp the concept and see it as doable. As often as not, I find that once I'm going, I can go a little further.
Exercise du jour: Yes, another 4 miles walking, 15 minutes ellipticalling. (Merry, when are you going to change the routine? A - when it becomes easy.)

I think the formula is Friends + Guilt + iTunes = Workout.
Thanks for this post - I needed an exercise reminder this morning. :)
Sometimes, I can't get out for a full work-out... Even 5 minutes... several times a day... is a good thing!
Another cliche that is true; you can do anything for 15 minutes.
You can't do everything in 15 minutes, mind you, but you can work on or tolerate anything for 15 minutes.
Keep working toward that 15 + 4. Your schedule has been all over the charts the last two months because of the job changes, so it may take a bit to settle down. It will happen -- 15 minutes at a time.
So true! 15 minutes may be all it takes to get those endorphins going.
Hooray for getting on the elliptical when you totally didn't feel like it! You get quadruple credit and totally earned that gold star.
Some, always better than none.
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