see more Monday Through Friday
Quote du jour: I stopped believing in Santa Claus when I was six. Mother took me to see him in a department store and he asked for my autograph.
- Shirley Temple
Exercise du jour: 4 miles walking, 15 minutes ellipticalling. It shall be done.

Thanksgiving Comes First!
Love the note.
I agree with MessyMimi, there should be no talk of Christmas until all the leftover turkey is gone!
I can't get into the spirit until about a week before, and then I realize all my shopping has been put off since I wasn't in the mood, so I get panicked... I end up having about 1 good day during the Christmas season, and that would be... Christmas.
I hate when Christmas stuff starts before Thanksgiving. I actually left a restaurant over the weekend because they were playing Christmas music. Bleh!
I've been kidnapped by Doctor Who and stuck in the Christmas Carol episode (such a good one) and therefore, I have to keep my Christmas tree and lights up year round.
To the Tardis!
I can't use the excuse that Thanksgiving comes first but I somehow always manage to put it all the Christmas yahoo off....except for this year.
This year my daughter and I are going to celebrate with my partner's Jewish family. It's their first Christmas celebration and they're taking it very seriously. It's kind of sweet but also kind of weird. Suddenly I'm the expert on Christmas.
Christmas? already?
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