see more Very Demotivational
Quote du jour:There is no value in life except what you chose to place upon it, and no happiness in any place except what you bring to it yourself.
- Henry David Thoreau
Goal of the month: 30 days of throwing stuff out. I don't need all these possessions.

Goal of the week: Out the door by 7:30. In the a.m., not the p.m. It can be done.
Maybe I should change this goal to simply getting out the door. Some days that feels like enough of a challenge in itself.
Exercise du jour: 200 squat challenge, week 3

Love the Thoreau quote!
That's a lot of squattin'! I bet you have legs of steel now.
Keep striving. You are moving toward your goals steadily, and that's what counts.
All I can say is "OUCH", oh any maybe, "do some for me too." :)
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