Quote du jour:
We tend not to question our beliefs, our perceptions, and our patterns of behavior, even when they are causing problems for us. The same homeostasis that protects us from change also makes it more difficult for us to transform even when it's in our best interest to do so.... Part of the value of pain is to help motivate you to change.
- Dean Ornish
Goal of the day: Pay attention. If I find myself wanting to eat something unhealthy, ask myself why I want to do this right now.

Goal of the week: Final day of the week-long yoga challenge.

Exercise du jour: 30 minutes rowing

We tend to cling to the familiar, even if it is what is hurting us.
Keep asking why. It will help you change in the ways you want to.
Loving the yoga experiment. You mentioned that it may be the reason you are falling asleep more easily. Let us know if you notice any other positive effects.
OMG that illustration is wonderful! Well chosen, ma'am! Are you going to keep on with the yoga?
Yes, I think I am going to keep going with the yoga. A longer trial seems indicated. Plus, I kinda like it, at least for now.
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