- Packing two 11-hour drives and some round-the-town driving into 5 days is not really a great idea.
- You can pick up some interesting family tidbits at reunions.
- For instance, did you know that my nephew got married several months ago? Me neither. His mother (#1 sister) never brought the subject up. It's not as if she has any other sons.
- #2 sister decided she wants to set me up with one of her rejects from her online dating service. She showed me a photo of him; he was dressed up like John Adams. Not a good way to get an idea of his personality, though I can now state with authority that he has nice calves.
- While I was gone (and with my consent) my neighbor cut down one of my trees. He pointed out that this would result in a lot more light in the back yard. He forgot to mention that now I have a wonderful view of another neighbor's eyesore of a house. Hope he likes arbor vitae.
- Some years back, I gave my mother a little statue of Francis of Assisi holding a small bowl, presumably for use as a bird bath. One of the myriad small children at the reunion knocked it down, causing the head to break off. I righted the statue, placed the head in the bowl, and told my mother she now had a statue of John the Baptist. She was not amused.
Weirdity du jour: Okay, now this is just bizarre. A man who thought he had emphysema went to the doctor. Turns out he had a pea plant growing inside his friggin' lung. Another reason why vegetables are not good for you!
Exercise du jour: Two days late, but I finally got in the 4.5 mile run.

John the Baptist! Hilarious!
All of this just proves my dictum about family -- you can't live with them, and there aren't enough places to hide the bodies. ;)
Good for you for the run. I hope you really enjoyed the trip and get back into the exercise swing of things easily.
Families are so strange...but I love your John the Baptist creation!
I also love your quick wit - John the Baptist but the pea growing inside his lung? How the hell?? Must go read the link. How I have missed you Merry.
Your Mother may not have been amused, but I got a good morning chuckle out of it. So glad to see you survived the reunion. Don't know if you sustained any internal injuries, but I am glad that you are posting!
You are rocking your exercise - hope it cools down a bit for you today.
Happy Tuesday. Oh, and your roses are beautiful!
I literally laughed out loud when I read the comment about John the Baptist. I love good religious humor. Love the garden!
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