World's Best German Shepherd Dog
now chasing the cats up in Heaven.
now chasing the cats up in Heaven.
In past years...
December 2009: Tanji plots on how to best lose the reindog coat

July 2009: Well fine. I'll wear this silly thing. But only because I'm a Good Dog.
February 2009: The Tanji video, in which her ladyship makes Garbo look garrulous.

December 2006: Before all the trouble with allergies, Tanji was alert and waiting for Santa to bring treats.
so sorry for your loss. two bloggy friends lost their friends today. perhaps they're playing together chasing (not my) cats in heaven.
many hugs.
I'm so sorry for your loss - she was a beautiful girl. I know its no comfort but its clear you gave her a good life and I hope you'll get some comfort from your happy memories in time
Thank you.
I'm still in shock.
From the time I brought her into the Vet's tonight, to the time I walked out alone was about 20 minutes. All the very extensive and expensive tests she'd had over the past couple years, nothing had ever indicated a problem with her heart. Even if I'd brought her home, the vet said she wouldn't have made it through the night.
Clearly, she'd decided it was time to go.
Sending you cyberhugs. It hurts so much to let them go.
Mary Anne in Kentucky
Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear this, Merry. Although I never got to meet her in person, I know Tanji was the ultimate sweetie. She will be greatly missed.
Take heart in knowing that she was and will always be loved. That is the best anyone, man or furry friend, can ever hope for.
Ah, Merry, I'm so very sorry. And Tanji was so patient with the Summer Solstice CB Whack.
So very sorry to hear about your loss. Sounds like her big heart just gave out.
HUGS. I know nothing anyone can say can make it better, but my thoughts are with you.
Oh Merry. I am so sorry to read of your loss of Tanji. I hope you find some comfort in knowing how fortunate SHE was to have you for her owner. How much you loved and cared for her during her too-short life.
Again, sending you hugs. I am so sorry for your loss.
Merry, if only words would ease the pain and sadness.
A sweet and loving companion that will be sorely missed.
So very sorry.
My heart hurts for you, please accept my condolences.
Oh Merry. So, so sorry. You and Tanji gave each other a good life. She was indeed the best German Sheppard Dog ever. I'll tell Charlie to watch out for her and to give her a good chase.
And maybe even the best German Shepherd Dog, too. Sigh...
Oh Babe. I'm so so so very sorry. She was definitely the best and most patient of dogs. And she knew, in that way our pets do, how very very much you loved her. There is no better gift we can give anyone.
Sending huge comforting hugs.
I'm so sorry to hear this. She'll be waiting for you, ever youthful, up in Heaven.
Oh shit. I was afraid this was coming. I'm so sorry Merry. Tanji was the most tolerant and patient of dogs which did indeed make her the best German Shepherd in the whole world. She knew that she was loved and properly adored. Everyone who met the two of you could see how mutual it was.
So very, very sorry, Merry. She was so beautiful. Our furry family members just don't live long enough but they give us so much comfort and love while they are with us. Many hugs.
So sorry, Merry.
Mom and Dad just lost their golden, Molly a few weeks ago. My DH has never seen our family together without her, and it is different.
Luckily you have lots of great memories with her. She's a beautiful girl.
Maybe she and Molly can go chase rabbits sometime.
Oh Merry, I'm sending big hugs down I-5. Our furbabies give us such unconditional love, and fill our hearts up so much. There are no words to ease the pain of their loss. Tanji was such a good girl, and she was so happy with you. (((hugs)))
I am so sorry for your loss. You love Tanji very much, and you'll love her for a long time. She may be gone, but you still hold her in your heart. And you will forever.
I'm so sorry for your's such a terrible thing to have to go through. Sometimes I think the quick is better than having to decide 'if it's time'. I've seen both and it's always nothing but heartache...
Oh, darling. I'm so sorry. Her highness was so regal, such a gentle giantess, it's difficult to imagine her over the rainbow bridge. Please let me know if you need anything....
Merry: I am so sorry. Tanji was beautiful, patient and loving sweetheart. Sending big hugs your way.
Oh no...I am so sorry and so sad for your loss, Merry. Tanji was such a sweetheart. She will be missed by all of us out here in blogland, and of course, by her mama. Hugs to you, my friend.
Oh no! So sorry Merry. My heart goes out to you, along with a few tears in my eyes.
Not Fair!!! She was such a sweet patient love who never got grumpy when she was invaded so soundly. I'm glad she had you in her life.
Oh no--I'm so, so sorry to hear this. Just looking at her photos has me all teary-eyed.
Be extra good to yourself, this grief stuff is really hard. It's awful enough to lose any pet, but with a wonderful dog like Tanji it must be incredibly difficult.
Sending warm thoughts & hugs...
I'm so sorry for your loss, Merry.
Tanji was such a beautiful and loving and patient dog.
My very very sincerest sympathy to you. I am so sorry for your loss. I lived with a German Shepherd for many years and she was a wonderful companion and friend. My very best wishes to you.
PS: I just love her expression in the middle photo! The caption nails it perfectly!
Oh, {{{Merry}}}
It's so hard. Especially when they've been with you a long time. My thoughts are with you.
Oh hell. Merry, I'm so sorry for your loss. Of course we pet owners know it's inevitable that we'll outlive them, but still, the reality of that is so very very painful and difficult.
We lost our first black lab suddenly, at a much too young age, in the middle of the night (gastric torsion, a horrible thing). With the second lab we had to make that awful decision between our own selfish need to keep him with us and his very real need to be free from the incessant pain of an inoperable tumor. So yeah, I know. It's hard.
Of course, I'm convinced our third lab, Quincy The Wonder Dog, will never die. Not for lack of trying on his part. Idiot dog.
Sending you much love and virtual hugs (and wishing they were real). I'm going to miss hearing stories about your beautiful baby wolf.
RIP, Tanji girl.
Please accept my condolences. Tanji was one of a kind, and I'll miss you writing about your special baby.
Oh Merry that breaks my heart for you. Tanji was such a lovely girl and so tolerant of all those crazy women that invaded her space last year. Petting her was a treat when we visited. I'm so very, very sorry.
aka Scope
Wooof woof. (Lick)
(Gina's GSD)
I'm so sorry. It's never easy. I used to work at an animal hospital, those little dears are such a deep, important part of our lives (and we are important to theirs).
I had to euthanize my cat, Daisy, last year after her being in our family 12 years (she was 15ish). My arms ached for her. You know what? Daisy LOVES dogs. I bet she's doing her best to make friends with Tanji.
Oh Merry, I am so, so sorry. Just remember she is waiting for you over the Rainbow Bridge. You two will be reunited again...
Until then, you have my warmest hugs...
We know it's coming but we keep hoping we'll be the exception to the rule. I am very sorry for your loss. That's a beautiful photo of her in the water.
Sigh. Words are hard to find.
Ah Hell, indeed.
Tanji loved you as much as you loved her. It made for a wonderful time together. I am so glad I got to meet her. I know my cat would never come out and meet her in this life....maybe all the CB pets who have gone before have their own club in the great beyond.
Many Many Hugs to you. Wish I could be there to give them in person.
I'm sorry Merry!
The best dog I ever had was my German Shepherd, Yorick. I still remember crying as I dug his grave in the yard.
My thoughts are with you.
I'm so sorry Merry... it's so heartbreaking to lose a dog... sometimes it feels like noone understands us better. Thinking of you comrade xxox
Oh my, Merry - I'm so so sorry to read this. I have no other words, than I'm sorry.
It's always tremendously painful to lose our animals. I'm terribly sorry to hear of your loss.
In Dog Heaven the squirrels are slow and stupid.
Oh, I am so sorry and wish there were something I could say to make the pain feel a little less painful, but I doubt there is. I'm sending you hugs and warm wishes of peace today!
I'm so sorry for your loss. I was devasted when my dog passed and that was a long time ago. I still think of him. Take comfort that Tanji is now pain free and probably bouncing like a puppy.
In dog heaven you get the treats without having to do tricks.
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