Funny du jour: Found an old funny that still made me smile: Millions of commas found in AP's basement.
Millions of displaced, possibly illegally hoarded commas were found on Tuesday during a routine inspection of the Associated Press building in New York, Off on a Tangent has learned. The commas were stored dangerously in cardboard boxes in a locked, underground room. This surprise find exposes the AP to increased scrutiny in the midst of a worldwide comma shortage.
What the hell. English Majors are easily amused.
Exercise du jour: 3 miles jogging

If we only knew then what we know now. When I think of Henry James' flagrant comma abuse in Turn of the Screw, it makes my heart bleed. Also my eyes.
precal - its a college level course in, you know, that M thing.
Then I guess you wouldn't want to proofread my dissertation. My assault on English grammar is amazing to me, but probably bloodcurdling to folks like yourself. :)
Oh, man, that's funny, hilarious, and entertaining!!
I've had to learn to laugh at bad grammar, except when it comes up on my child's school papers. That way I don't cry.
Funny stuff.
I used to annoy people in college by laughing at their jokes long before they got to the punch line. (Really. I laughed, didn't I???)
Mary Anne in Kentucky, English major
so, i was a history major and one day i read this thing on a blog about how the author had written something that said the sun set in the east and was wondering whether or not the chicago rules of style had a rule for that and it makes me laugh every time because i'm pretty sure there is...
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