Quote du jour: A man works all his life in a glass factory, one day he feels like picking up a hammer. - Harold Diddlebock (Harold Lloyd)
Some weeks, making it to Friday feels like I've achieved a tremendous victory.
This is one of those weeks.
Exercise du jour: Back to cycling. 8 miles minimum. They've stopped doing work on the ducts, so the allergies should be okay. I hope.

Photo courtesy of Gandalf.
(The guy on Flickr, not the wizard. I think.)
Have an awesome Friday, Merry!
I know that Friday feeling, buddy! Glad you are alright and carrying on!
Your posts have such great titles!!
Oh, I feel sure it's the wizard.
Have a great weekend....
Is that my pony?
I'll let you have the pony so long as I get Hugh :)
May your weekend turn out to have been worth the wait.
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