They are loud.
I am currently re-evaluating my position on non-violence.
Too hot, only jogged 2 miles. Checked my watch ("are we there yet?") after a mere 4 minutes, breaking my previous time-checking record of 6 minutes. I'm choosing to consider that a personal record and therefore something to be celebrated.
Even though I broke my watch-checking PR and even though I got overheated, there were some positives. I found myself getting into a rhythm (once I stopped checking my watch) and even almost possibly kind of enjoying myself a little little bit of the time.
Maybe my slacktitude hasn't completely left me out of shape. And the knees didn't have any problems at all. I'm still trying to figure out why they flared up in pain so severely for those few days, but at least
Exercise du jour: jogged 2 miles

I always call it running, no matter the pace. It just sounds better, right? Don't trivialize your efforts - running at any pace is strenuous.
Have a great week! Get the earplugs...
Roxie is right, in that heat, any exercise counts extra.
Yes, loud toys will make parents (or anyone else who has to hear it) wonder whether they should have stuck with goldfish.
I have kerosene if you have the matches. we could torch the place and take care of the noise problem.
A sneaky suggestion that really cool things happen when vuvuzelas are baked at 350 degrees, or barbequed, or microwaved, or thrown under a bus...which they must never ever try etc. etc.
English Rider, you are clearly a twisted and slightly demented person. I like you :)
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