I'm starting to feel like I'm climbing out of the hole I'd gotten thrown into as a result of the work craziness. (First I got hit with a landslide of work, then when that eased up I found myself too exhausted to jump back into the routine. Now, it's starting to come back.)
Surprisingly, my three-month hiatus hasn't left me completely unfit. It's been a lot easier than I would've thought to get back up to the level I was at in February. I feel bad that I missed three months where I could've/should've/would've been doing 5ks, maybe even a 10k, but it's good to know that my fitness level didn't go completely downhill either.
Exercise du jour: 4 miles jogging. That's only a half-mile increase from last week, so it's not too much too soon. At the same time, it's farther than I've gone since February, so it feels like I'm breaking through some kind of barrier, getting back into my old self.
Oh, Frappacino! It's not like I don't know better. Posting even a semi-positive semi-brag is like painting "kick me" on my back. This "run" kicked my back, and my front, and every side I've got. It stunk. It was too hot when I started, and got hotter as I went along. First I took the occasional walk break, then the frequent walk break, then I began to indulge in the occasional jog when I could find some shade. Or a downhill. By the end, I was only jogging (sllllowly) when I found a spot that was both in the shade and downhill. Oi Vey. The only good thing about this workout was that I probably lost a friggin' pound or two, just through sweating.
First, really miss you over at the B&G.
I really admire what you've accomplished and you should pat yourself on the back for getting out there. You were moving and it was hot so you did good.
I'm trying desperately to get in better shape. I'm not old enough to be moving like my 83 yo DM.
Glad work is less crazy.
In this heat, any outdoor movement is an accomplishment.
Keep going, it will get better.
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