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Quote du jour: The trick is in what one emphasizes. We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same. - Carlos Castaneda
- Some interesting facts:
- It's a bad sign when co-workers start quitting even when they don't have new jobs lined up.
- Swallow rage long enough and you start to get a physical sore throat.
- When people use the term 'collaborate' they mean 'do it my way or else.'
- Exercise is a far, far better way to deal with frustration than keeping it pent up inside or otherwise taking life waaaay too seriously.
Exercise du jour: 10 miles cycling
Semi-fail. Or I suppose I could call it semi-done. I simply ran out of time. Got busy (walking the poor, tottering dog, reading an mss. someone sent me, doing chores) and left it too late. Still, got some cycling done. Plus walked 3 miles at lunch.
Good luck on the exercise, and I hope you can get out of that work hole and into something you love soon.
Love your quote of the day!!! Awesome!
Sorry about the work thing... Been there and it is the worst.
Thanks for the quote!
I sure feel for you with your job...hope you can find something better soon.
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