Tuesday, November 04, 2008

You have the power to change (things, yourself, the system...)

Lincoln memorial

Fact du jour: Voting gives you the chance to change the system.

Giveaway du jour: Today I will go through a storage box and give away anything that I don't absolutely need in my life.
Went through another storage box. Only found one thing (sweater) I could give away, but lots that I could throw away. How on Earth did I end up with six mismatched black pumps?
(Two right, four left, and no I couldn't mix and match. Different heights.)

Exercise du jour: 2nd week of the couch to 5k.

Bonus Exercise: 50 minutes brisk walking


C said...

I used to live only about 6 blocks away from the Lincoln Memorial. Good times.

Keep up the great work, Merry!

Almost Vegetarian said...

I love your giveaway du jour. I am constantly trying to rid us of clutter (and enrich someone else at the same time), but the best giveaway I ever did was when I brought a carton of my books for my copywriting students. Suddenly, I had people who were reading. And that delighted me (and, I hope, enriched them) to no end. What fun!
