Quote du jour:
Lack of activity destroys the good condition of every human being, while movement and methodical physical exercise save it and preserve it. ~Plato
Lack of activity destroys the good condition of every human being, while movement and methodical physical exercise save it and preserve it. ~Plato
Giveaway du jour: I've almost made it through the week. Therefore, the 13th is a lucky day. I'm going to give someone something positive. Positive feedback? A smile? Something that I can honestly compliment them on. I'll keep an eye peeled for the right opportunity.
Well, I gave a quote to another blogger. Does that count? It was a good quote, so I hope it counts.
Exercise du jour: 3rd week of the couch to 5k.

People should have listened to Plato more. That guy had it figured out!
Hey Merry,
Missed you. Glad you are making progress.
Been meaning, and meaning to leave a comment to say how great you're doing with the exercise and running! All those stars are so pretty! :+)
I haven't earned one for a while...must get back to it. Watch out, I think you're motivating me again...
Theresa, it is a beautiful star. I think of you when I get to paste it on the blog. :)
Hey Jenn, I liked the quote. Now I'm picturing Plato jogging in a toga... not sure that's something I want to picture ;)
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