Poem du jour:
Nothing is ever really lost, or can be lost,
No birth, identity, form--no object of the world.
Nor life, nor force, nor any visible thing;
Appearance must not foil, nor shifted sphere confuse thy brain.
Ample are time and space--ample the fields of Nature.
The body, sluggish, aged, cold--the embers left from earlier fires,
The light in the eye grown dim, shall duly flame again;
The sun now low in the west rises for mornings and for noons continual;
To frozen clods ever the spring's invisible law returns,
With grass and flowers and summer fruits and corn.
- Whitman, "Continuities"
That poem caught my eye, though it doesn't really fit my current mood. To avoid actually laying people off, the company is ordering a forced shutdown for the week. Initially I was peeved, since I am under a lot of pressure to get things done at work. But on the plus side, all the project managers are slacking off on their deadlines, since no one can get anything done by the deadlines. So I've decided if the week off is inevitable, I'm going to lie back and enjoy it.
Giveaway du jour: Okay. One book. I think I can, I think I can... Hey, I've got a whole 9 days off! I can do anything!
Y'know, I don't think I'll ever feel the need to re-read Sean Astin's autobiography again. Been there, and back again. Another book gone.
Exercise du jour:

Photo courtesy of Flickr.
You have NINE DAYS OFF?! Life is not fair. Well, okay, I have six of those nine days off as well. But what I wouldn't give for nine days straight . . .
Fine then, I wouldn't give up the reality of employment. But I'd give other things. Advice. I'd give free advice. And homemade cookies. And homemade fudge, which I will be making this weekend.
BTW, I don't see on your blog post where it says today you will come over to MY blog and give me grief. Maybe you should update your goals for the day to reflect your actual activities?
malmt: oooh, bad mountain
Shoot, I meant to update my schedule to make it a more accurate reflection of my activities! Thanks for the reminder, Ms B :)
Hey -- Nine days to harass you on your blog? Sweet!
Enjoy your wonderful nine days off!
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