Give away du jour: Tempted as I am to give away all my larger clothes, I will restrict myself to giving away one outsize piece of apparel. For the symbolism of the gesture.
One less sweater in my closet. Even if the weather is getting colder, why keep something I haven't worn in a year?
Exercise du jour: 2nd week of the couch to 5k.

Congrats on the great results!
I'm at the other end of the spectrum right now. Today I'm wearing my skinny jeans, but I have to leave the button undone since I'm super bloated. I have to go super stealth with it too since I am in the library. Thank god for ultra loose baby doll shirts.
Super stealth is always a good approach :)
90% is likely a lot healthier than 100%. Seriously. Fruits and veggies are necessary and we should all eat more of them. But meat and carbs are not evil. Proteins and (gasp) even carbs are essential as well. From reading your cold carrot post I see that you discovered that little truth for yourself. The trick lies in the ol' moderation adage, and in making the lower fat, higher fiber choices.
qukele: how one should eat brussel sprouts
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