Thursday, November 27, 2008

Am I crazy? No, that was a rhetorical question...

So. Thanksgiving.
A day devoted to delicious smells from the kitchen, watching The Game, listening to family arguments and oh yeah, eating a lot of food. Then feeling stuffed with food, and vowing to work the weight off as soon as I can get on my feet and move again.

Not this year.

In a spirit of insanity, or something very much like it, I signed up for the Portland Zoo turkey trot. Apparently, you don't need to be an actual turkey to participate. (Not the avian variety, anyway.)

I was going to run my 20 minutes (3rd day of the 5th week of the couch to 5k) yesterday. I'll have to run tomorrow. I don't have quite the courage to jog 20 minutes continuously in front of people, behind strollers, while dodging toddlers, and of course going up and down hills (about 500' elevation change).

Still cool to work out, get a head start on attacking those holiday calories.
Done! I'm freeeeeeeeezing cold now, but it was a good walk. Bright sunshine, no wind. Once we finished the walk, the rain clouds came, the wind rose, the temperature dropped. Let it. I'm going to be indoors in the warm the rest of the day :)

Giveaway du jour: Today I'm going to give people my full attention. Even when I disagree with their politics, their manners, or their opinion on who should win The Game.
So far, so good :)


Turkeys courtesy of Flickr.

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