Saturday, November 01, 2008

November: the month of 30-day challenges

Wow... 30 days to spend any way I want. (Except for the time I spend working or sleeping, but who's counting them.)

November is National Blog Posting month. I could post on the blog every day for a month.

Also, of course, there's National Novel Writing Month. I could write a novel in 30 days. [Note: this link might not work today; very heavy traffic on that site right now.]

Or if I wanted to have one day off, there's the 29 Gifts challenge. I could give something away every day for 29 days. (I like that it doesn't always have to be something material. The website suggests you give away a smile, or call a friend and give a kind word. The dog would probably enjoy it if I gave her an extra belly rub or two ten.)

Or I could... rake the leaves...

What, all of them?

I don't see a lot out there in blogland about exercising every day for a month. Understandably, this wouldn't work for people like Xenia, who's boldly going where this non-marathoner fears to tread. Stressing out the major muscle groups like that requires rest days. But if I'm using different muscle groups on alternating days? That should work.

Sigh. Work. Not something I want to think about.


Diana Swallow said...

Its 3:41pm on the first day of the 30 days of November...well CRAP I've already blown it today. Does a three mile walk cancel out 3 fun size milky ways?

November is National Blog Posting month...I live under a rock and don't know these things, thanks for letting me know.

C said...

Exercising every day would make me cry even if I wasn't training for the big M. But I know what you mean. You could get away with it if you alternated muscle groups like you said. Just make sure that all you do for a couple of days a week is go for a short walk or something and I think it's doable.

I want to make my work schedule more habitual and to do that I know I should do it every day for at least the next 21 days. But working 21 days straight just seems like a bad idea to me. A really bad idea.

BCB said...

Ahem. Not to be all picky or anything, but . . .

What exactly did you just promise to DO for 30 days? Because if it's going to be 30 days of whining blog posts about procrastinating and not getting anything done, I might have to join you. Right after my daily post about not accomplishing what I set out to do. Which is my version of a no-this-does-not-qualify-as-NANO event. Sort of. [sigh] Who makes up this deadline stuff, anyway? Maybe we could figure out how to put bloodlust in our eyes and form a posse.

PS- I can tell you from experience that the leaves will be just fine if you leave (ha!) them where they fall. The grass under them, however, is another matter. Compost matter, in fact.

duckerg: what those deadline proponents say just as the posse catches up with them

Oh hell, another verification:

flempid: oh man, is this one of those new combination words that has to do with sloppy fellatio gone wrong? Am I allowed to say that over here? Sloppy?