It's no Hugh Jackman, but the photo made me snicker.
Exercise du jour: Couch to 5k Week 2 Day 3 Brisk five-minute warmup walk. Then alternate 90 seconds of jogging and two minutes of walking for a total of 20 minutes. Done! Plus, 60 minutes brisk walking, 30 minutes non-brisk yoga
My goal was to head out the door first thing and walk the dog. But it's cold out and chilly inside, and I stopped to make a mug of tea, and .... Well, here I am at the computer.
Too funny
I better not say anything culturally insensitive... so I'll just congratulate you on sticking with the couch to 5K!
My goal was to head out the door first thing and walk the dog. But it's cold out and chilly inside, and I stopped to make a mug of tea, and .... Well, here I am at the computer.
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