Went to see New Moon the other night. The title appears on the screen one letter at a time. For a moment, the title read "Ew Moon." I'm afraid that was a subliminal message.
At one point I saw my friend, an admitted Twi-hard, checking her watch. As soon as the first credit appeared on the screen, a woman* in the row behind me said "That was terrible." A woman in the row in front of me said, "I should've waited a few months and picked this up out of the $1 bin."
I didn't think it was all bad, though it's never a good sign when a movie has unintentionally funny scenes (Bella and Edward running through the woods). It also had some nice if gratuitous abs. But I wouldn't recommend paying to see it in a theater.
Then again, I now hate watching movies in a theater. I want to get up, move around, stretch a bit, do something, rather than sit still for two hours.
Besides, I tend to make fun of any phenomenon that has tons of rabid fans because I have
Well, except the Beatles.
Then again, again, a better review would be: New Moon: the LolCats review.
*Most of the audience was made up of women in the 20s and 30s. Very few teenagers.
Exercise du jour: Couch to 5k Week 3 Day 3 Brisk five-minute warmup walk, then do two repetitions of the following:
* Jog 200 yards (or 90 seconds)
* Walk 200 yards (or 90 seconds)
* Jog 400 yards (or 3 minutes)
* Walk 400 yards (or three minutes)

see more Lolcats and funny pictures
Moon montage courtesy Ctd2005
That LOL Cats review was awesome! Not that I've read/seen New Moon. I did read Twilight a couple of years ago and was not impressed. Have not felt the need to read the rest of the books or watch any of the movies.
I did, however, pick up a copy of the new Harry Potter movie as soon as it came out on DVD this week. And I saw it in the theater and I have all the books. Sometimes I get on board with the mania.
I think the LOLCats summed it up pretty well. Especially the moping all over the place :)
I'll have to check out the HP movie on DVD. While using the treadmill ;)
Loved the lolcat reenactment! And now I don't have to even think about seeing the movie.
I've gotten so I hate going out to movies anyway, would rather see them at home where I don't have to hear other people chatting or smell their heads to see the screen.
Heh...I heard this film was a stinker. Honestly, it's the worst book of them so it could only go badly :)
The coldest it's been when I've run has been 10 degrees! I had ice on my face by time that crap was over! When I was in med. school in the N. E. it was the mechanical problems with ice and snow that stopped me, never the cold. Do you have a treadmill? If not, why don't you get one and just watch TV while walking an hour on it most days? Walking fast is a good workout.
We reviewed it here: http://thisrealitypodcast.com/?p=531
The Lolcats reviewed it funnier than we did though.
I haven't read any of the books or seen the movies, so I will be sure to skip this one, too.
The Beatles are worth it, though, unless you happen to be married to a guy to has to have all of the (very expensive) gear to outfit the band.
I have friends here who went to New Moon tonight - for the 5th time. It's ridic. I hated the books and refuse to see the movie - they think I'm a grinch. So thank you for the validation!!
Dear Lord! I truly cannot imagine anyone seeing that film five times. It's really mopey, with tons of violins playing in the background. Five times???
No, you're not a grinch. You're discerning.
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