I have met my goal. ("Hello Goal." "Hello Merry.")
Seems to me this calls for a gold star on the post and a 200 sit ups icon on the sidebar.

To review: when I did the initial 200 sit up test, I did 30 sit ups before my back started to hurt. Started this in April, stopped in July when I hurt my arm/shoulders, started back up a couple weeks ago and finished October 18. Not sure these dates are especially relevant except that they show that I kept exercising, apart from the injury/rest.
CONGRATS!!! I think you deserve something more than one gold star. Perhaps 200 of them?
I gave up on the sit-ups because it was boring me to tears. I really should start the push up challenge again. Oy, always falling off the wagon.
Thanks Xenia! I agree, situps are boring. I took them up because it made doing the push up challenge easier -- I mean, I was already there on the floor resting my arms between sets, might as well do something with all that time. Otherwise, I don't think I would've done it. Not that it makes my stomach any flatter, but any exercise is good exercise :)
And it feels good to have set a goal and made it :)
Way to go, Merry! Congrats on the milestone!
Thank you, Charlotte!
Starts to take a bow -- stops, thinks better of it
You are a wonder! Congratulations! And guess what? I have something for you on my blog...
That's awesome! :D
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