Okay, I've been reading a lot of blogs and comments from people who say they're feeling bleh and blah and just plain don' wanna any more. One commenter on Pasta Queen's blog referred to the other day as International Blah Day. So I know it's not just me.
I'm curious as to what's causing this. You'd think the depression-blah-blues would start next week, after Daylight Savings ends and it starts getting dark at 5 in the evening. While I admire my psyche's rare impulse to be proactive for once, I don't think this is the right direction. Why am I feeling so meh about life?

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Probably because I'm hopeless and pointless and I'll never do anything right and...
scrrrrrritch... okay, let's try this again...
Methinks I'm going to go hide in my room and listen to sad soulful ballads until I can figure out what the problem is. Can't stand hearing that scrrrrritch sound any more tonight.
*Yes, I realize that to many people this metaphor will not have much relevance. Hmph. Young whippersnappers.
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I totally hear you on this. I too am feeling blah. But we can both work through it, Merry! Chin up and all that. :)
I would sing the blues with you, bur since the sound of my voice singing has been known to clear a room...
I guess I'll just go write some crying in my beer poetry instead, but I promise not to inflict that on you, either.
Yeah. I'm there with ya.
I have a friend who loves daylight savings time, cloudy, cold weather, and winter!
She's weird!
When I feel like you do now, I go for a 7 mile run, and after that torture, things seem better.
I've read about 8 blogs this morning that agree with you. I have no idea, but don't stand too close to me because I haven't caught the "blahs" yet.
Blah. It's the weather. Oh and I have heartburn:)
So sorry about the blahs! It does seem to be going around blogland, wonder what's up with that?
Hope you feel better soon!
Doesn't matter that we haven't turned the clocks back, the days are still shorter. And in my corner of the planet we've been getting a lot of rainy days. So, yeah, blah.
And I did recognize the metaphor, so I guess I'm not a whipper...guess I'm not a whipper...guess I'm not a whipper...guess I'm not a whipper...
Maybe it's time to try the flip side?
diara ... running off at the pen
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