Day of rest. No exercise today.
No formal exercise, anyway.
Still have to rake the leaves, clean the house, rake some more leaves, spread mulch in the front yard, rake still more leaves, put up shelves in the laundry room, leaves, and spend a couple hours updating a user guide for work.
Hopefully you're off doing something much more exciting.
Update du 7:30 pm. My arms are aching. They weren't this sore yesterday, but they're sure making up for lost pain. Ow.

My fur-covered partner in sloth courtesy of:
Love that rabbit picture!
Yesterday was my day of rest. Getting ready to go walking now. Sounds like you will get plenty of exercise with all that work!
Hmmm. What? Oh, did you say something?
Sorry, still looking at HJ. It's those eyes. And that smile.
Glad you're having a rest day. I slaved away all day at a writing workshop. And by "slaved away" I mean I sat there, almost motionless, and listened to four fabulous speakers talk about writing. Which is a mostly sedentary activity, in case you didn't know. It was exhausting.
I was only able to do this, however, because down here in the South all the leaves are still attached to their trees. Where they belong.
consts: a word consisting almost entirely of consonants, not one used often by most writers
Thanks MissyM, I am getting my exercise in.
Looking at his eyes, BCB? Glad to hear it. You need a reward after all your sedentary slaving. One trusts it was educational as well as exhausting?
My leaves are still attached to their trees, and have just begun to hint at changing color, but my perennials need transplanting (from the old house to the new one! Cannot be put off until next week or next year, like so much garden work.)
Mary Anne in Kentucky
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