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I think the drugs are taking effect. No, not on me. The rimadyl that Tanji's been taking is allowing her to take longer walks with less pain. Yesterday morning, she suggested (quite strongly) that we take a walk. And then she actually led me four whole blocks to the park and back! (10 years ago, I used to walk her four miles a day merely to take the edge off of her energy level. These days, four blocks and back is an amazing trip.)
Not only that, she was up for a walk around the block in the evening as well. Two whole walks in one day! Thank God for drugs.
Exercise du jour: 90 minutes bicycling. And absolutely no damn gardening, I mean it!
(I'd felt sorry for myself, being the only person around gardening on a 3-day weekend. Took a walk around the block with Her Ladyship, and found that everyone's yard waste bin was overflowing with greenery. Ha! It wasn't just me.)
Tanji is indeed a wonder dog. How old is she now?
Oh, she's getting up there. She's over 12 now, which for a shepherd is in "Cherish them even more" territory.
Where can I get some of those drugs? The Wonder Dog won't share his . . .
Hey, if you had something that made you feel that good, would /you/ share? ;)
Good for Tanji! Glad she was feeling well enough to lead you around the block.
Yay, Tanji! Give her a nice belly rub from me.
And, FYI, your yard looks great. Trust me, right coasters were thusly using our 3 day weekend also.
reenell: to nell again
So glad the drugs are helping! Two walks in one day, hooray!
Glad your girl is feeling better...I love shepards.
Glad the puppy is feeling better! And good job on all the yard work!
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