If it's Friday, it's time for Hugh... oh hell, it's ALWAYS time!
Quote du jour: I am of the firm belief that everybody could write books and I never understand why they don't. After all, everyone speaks. Once the grammar has been learnt it is simply talking on paper and in time learning what not to say. - Beryl Bainbridge
Site du jour: This site probably would appeal only to people who like snark or who like writing that pays attention to things like spelling, grammar, and diction ... so you'll understand why I liked it. Reasoning with Vampires. The blogger parses the Twilight books according to the rules of English grammar. Funny.
Exercise du jour: 2 miles jogging at an easy, relaxed pace -- my knees have been bothering me since I got on that dratted bike. I think it must need a tuneup or something like that. I mean the bike needs a tuneup. Unless there are tuneups for knees.
Photo courtesy of cool guyz.
Yummy photo.
Hope your knees feel better soon. Happy weekend!
Bikes need loving, too! Um, by "loving" I mean "tuneups." Especially the tires. Riding with low air pressure is REALLY HARD, lol!
Weekend? Oh yeah. It's Friday! Yippee!
Azusm, I agree it helps to pump up the tires :) What's weird is that I've been riding this bike for years, have done 40 mile rides without a problem, and now it hurts my knees? Odd.
That pic makes me wish i were 18 and single again.
Have you ever tried the glucosamine supplements? When my Sweetie takes them, he has no trouble with his knees any more.
Thanks Messym! Actually, an even simpler solution is to stay off the bike. Then the knees don't complain. Since cycling is supposed to be good for the knees, I'm thinking it's a problem with the bike itself. I know the seat height is correct (and the tires are pumped up ;) but there's something awry.
Can I tell you how very much you have made me love Fridays?
Hope your knees feel better soon!
Well Yeah!!! Feels like home sweet Hugh home to me now!
Oh bless you for that site du jour. It's been a slow day here at the office, and now I have a great timekiller on my heands... whee!!!
Hope your knees feel better. My right one's giving me fits.
I won't even read something criticizing Twilight. That's how much a hate Twilight.
I hear Hugh Jackman loves Twilight though.
Noooooo! Not our Hugh. It can't be.
What I liked most about the site was not her tendency to be a commakazi, it was the way she would point out why putting two totally different concepts in the same sentence and expecting the reader to follow along was a bad idea.
It's possible that reading her blog might help someone to realize that grammar isn't all about rules created to irritate people; it's intended to clarify the ideas written on the page.
Or maybe not. I can dream.
If you find out that there are tune-ups for knees please let me know. I might need one of those. Or ya know, really try to lose 30 pounds. (Bleh.)
:) Nice pic of Hugh
I found Twilight to be almost unwatchable, I haven't dared to pick up the books.
I don't know about you but every year older means my knees are a little less happy with my routine. Ugh!
Oh Hugh...how do I love thee, let me count the ways!!!
Nice. NICE.
Polar's Mom
So after your comment on my most recent blog, I came back to look at Hugh for a moment. Then I noticed that you already posted the Twilight website! I missed it the first time around because Hugh distracted me! Dang his attractiveness...
Fortunately I have been able to resist going back and looking at the books. It's always a guaranteed laugh though!
Be strong, CrazyP! Resist the urge :)
I happened to be listening to a sports radio show yesterday and...they were interviewing HUGH JACKMAN, about his upcoming movie. "Real Steel!!"
Here's everywhere....almost :-(
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