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Wince-inducing quote du jour: Sheridan and Delenn are the 'Arthur and Guinevere' of Babylon 5. - Bruce Boxleitner
[For those who've never watched Babylon 5, Bruce Boxleitner was the actor who played Sheridan, i.e. one of the two romantic leads. I don't think he's read a lot of Arthurian tragedy. ]
Site du jour: Annals of Improbable Research, "research that makes people laugh, then think." If you ever need to know about the aerodynamics of a boomerang, this is the site to visit. Even sometimes has useful stuff, like the notice of the FDA recalling a candy called Toxic Waste. My current favorite is a study on how computers are being used to write novels. No, not by you typing on the keyboard. The computer itself indulges in Brainless Writing.
Exercise du jour: Brainless exercising. Actually I think that might help. I think too much about exercising when I should be out doing the dang stuff. 2 miles around the track.

p.s. All you people suffering through snow and below-insane temperatures? I'm sorry for you, I really am, but today was absolutely beautiful: bright sunshine, blue skies, and all the trimmings. Crocuses are starting to bloom. I think we're getting all this good weather at your expense. Maybe this would be a good time to visit?
Plus, 4 miles walking.
Making the exercise a habit you don't have to think about has you doing it already before your brain has a chance to kick in and say "i don't wanna!" That's my goal for someday.
Meanwhile, like you, have to convince myself not to spend the time fussing and just do so.
Hmmm...imagine if we worked out everytime we told ourselves we SHOULD workout....
crazy thought
Whoa -- gettin' pretty radical there, Tricia! :)
Crocuses? We've probably got four months to go before we see crocuses. Trying to remember why I like living here...
Perhaps I missed it but I don't remember seeing anything about Hugh Jackman in this post??
Maybe I'm at the wrong site :-)
slaps forehead
Dang! I knew something was missing :(
It was simply gorgeous here today too (probably because I am barely two hours away from you). But I am concerned about what we will get in another week or two... it's gonna be harsh I just know it.
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