If you want to 'get in touch with your feelings,' fine — talk to yourself; we all do. But, if you want to communicate with another thinking human being, get in touch with your thoughts. Put them in order; give them a purpose; use them to persuade, to instruct, to discover, to seduce. The secret way to do this is to write it down and then cut out the confusing parts.- William Safire
Site du jour: I loved this news story: Philly homeowner forecloses on Wells Fargo.
Weird du jour: I don't know if you've ever read Young House Love, a blog written by a young couple who love buying older houses and renovating them. They posted about a note that the previous owner had left hidden in their house when they bought it.
It reminded me of another note, left beneath a pond in case the pond was ever dug up, which I thought was funny, albeit in a very dry and sarcastic way: "One of the more bizarre reasons could be that the removal of the pond was the direct result of a bite on the ankle from a Wildebeest, but I shall not speculate."
Whether the note was funny or just strange, what amazed me was the number of people who commented on it. The thread denigrated into a series of insults on the subject of Obsessive Parenting, Obsessive Note-leaving, and Obsessive Crank-commenting. Damn, but people take life on the internet seriously.
Exercise du jour: Usually, I know ahead of time what exercise I'm going to try for. Today, it depends on whether the weather listens to the weather man (i.e. nasty, in which case I walk) or good enough (in which case, I wanna bike). It was over 50 degrees on Monday, sunny and spring-like. Hard to believe that it's going to be snowing in another day or so.
FAIL. Didn't exercise morning, noon, or night. I decided to oversleep through the morning exercise, work through the lunch-time hail, and have a headache in the evening. I suspect the first two influenced the third.
Thanks for the fantastic links! Good luck with whatever exercise you do today.
Love the cartoon. I'm a little too chilled to worry about who I think might be wrong.
Have fun with the exercising. Hope the weather dude is wrong and there will be no snow.
Love the foreclosure story. And that cartoon is printed out and hung in my cube next to my monitor. I <3 xkcd.
I love when you post tons of awesome links that help me procrastinate! Love!
It's not procrastination if you put it off right away, I mean this very minute!
Best blog title ever!
Great links.
Enjoy whatever exercise you end up doing.
Seattle kid texted me about six tonight saying they got their snow already and it has felt like it was just about to any minute, all damn day long here. So far (checking time) at 11:28 pm, nothing yet.
Hope it held off long enough for you to get some movement in.
...but all I have are the confusing parts...
(We've been frustrated with Wells Fargo, too -- grrr -- loved the link!)
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