Stands the lilac bush, tall-growing, with heart-shaped leaves of rich green,
With many a pointed blossom, rising, delicate, with the perfume strong I love,
With every leaf a miracle......and from this bush in the door-yard,
With delicate-color’d blossoms, and heart-shaped leaves of rich green,
A sprig, with its flower, I break.
- Walt Whitman
When Lilacs Last in the Door-Yard Bloomed
Over the weekend I went to the far back corner of the yard, where the laurel bush that's on steroids is trying to take over the world. I happened to look up, and found myself staring at a profusion of white lilac that I hadn't known was there.
The lilac tree is almost 7 feet tall, but even so the laurel is trying to grow over and around it. The lilac blooms were showing through the leaves of the laurel bush.
Okay, maybe I dare not say it. It's still a wonderful feeling to be able to walk into my back yard and be surrounded by all the beautiful things growing there.
Exercise du jour: Alas, no surprise here. It's another walking day. I'm going to walk to and from the Max station, and I've scheduled a walk at lunch, then I want to walk to the Weight Watchers meeting. Since I missed my regular meeting, I want to walk to one that's a bit farther away ("a bit" = 2 miles). Even broken up into segments, I figure that's good for at least a five-mile day. Maybe a bit more.

I LOVE lilacs. My favoritest flower ever.
Very punny.
May I suggest a vacation spent traveling through the back yard? A biology professor did that once, and in his 3 month summer break he took that year, got halfway across it.
I have a lavender lilac. One tiny spray. Better than none, I suppose. Enjoy your spray!
I LOVE lilacs, they smell so YUMMY!!!
mmm, Lilacs!
Hope your walk(s) went well!
ps I love Thoreau!
You are lucky to have a backyard that still holds surprises. I miss when mine was a hodge podge of wild stuff growing. Now, my uncle has taken over and it's just too uniform for me.
Enjoy the surprises!
I also love this time of year! La Florida is in full bloom. We are lucky to live where we do, Merry!
Lilacs are my favorite flower! I had them at my wedding. They make me happy every.single.time. Yours are gorgeous!
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