The hawthorn blossom is almost finished, and the lilac is starting to fade as well.

Luckily, the rhododendrons are still going strong.

I mean, we're talking the energizer bunny of the flower world. So long as they're happy, they're going to keep going and going ...
And once they decide to quit for the season, it looks like the roses will be ready to step up to the plate and take their turn.

I do love my yard.
Your rhodies are gorgeous! While I don't always miss the rain of the PNW, I always, always miss the flowers.
I love your yard, too!
This black thumb envies you.
I wish I could take credit for this garden. These trees and shrubs were planted long before I was born; I just get to admire them :)
Funny, I google rhododendrons to see what the base plant looks like and it brings up Azaleas.
I'll trade you 1 Mexican Jumping Bean Dog for your rhododendrons.
Pretty yard!! Thanks for sharing!
Wow - the rhododendrons look amazing!
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