Site du jour: The Onion has an article that I thought particularly apt: Massive Flow of Bullshit Continues to Gush From BP's Headquarters. "Everything we can see at the moment suggests that the overall environmental impact of this will be very, very modest," said BP CEO Tony Hayward, letting loose a colossal stream of undiluted bullshit. "The Gulf of Mexico is a very big ocean, and the volume of oil we are putting into it is tiny in relation to the total volume of water."
Exercise du jour: I'm going to try breaking up the exercise into Doable BitsTM. To wit, 3 miles walking, 30 minutes ellipticalling.

I read at my own risk!! Glad I did. Doable Bits....I love that.
Good luck on the exercise.
I agree with The Onion. I spent last week on the Gulf Coast of Florida -- it's having an impact.
So glad I read this, I feel totally reassured, don't you?
Woot!! Well done on the exercise!
I'm struggling quite a bit with that myself.
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