Well, I did.
Yes, I know, blogging over at Cranky Fitness was fun. The endless rounds of celebrity parties, limousines, jet-setting all around the world to hob nob with the Best People in the Latest Fashions, yeah, yeah. Been there, done that, got the race t-shirt. (I did just receive the shirt from the 5k that I did a couple months ago.)
When blogging about exercise gets in the way of actually exercising, then that's a sign that something needs to change. More exercise, less blogging.
Exercise du jour:
Cycle to work and back. Hopefully at a decent pace, but we'll see about that part. The important thing is to get on the dang bike.

now is the best time to bike commute! :) I think I might need expert advice on how to not freeze to death during the autumn & winter commute!
I hope you had a good commute today!
I totally understand why you would quit CF blogging. Seriously. I was nodding so hard I thought my head would fall off. I'm adding this blog to my reader tho & I'm hoping you update it occasionally so we can still stay in touch
When blogging about exercise gets in the way of actually exercising, then that's a sign that something needs to change. More exercise, less blogging.
I'm following you over from Cranky Fitness!
Egads, there's a crowd! I'd better lay out some chairs, scatter some cushions about, make the place lot a bit more hospitable.
I enjoyed your posts over there even when I wasn't commenting. But writing a regular blog post is time consuming if you want to do it right. And if you want them to be both good and frequent, it's a time suck.
Ah well. This will leave you more time to visit with friends, right? :D
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