Don't know the context, but I would have been tempted to say something like, "Wow, how courageous of you to offer your unsolicited opinion! I would NEVER have the GUTS to do that! Isn't it just great that some people can say whatever's on their minds, regardless of the situation?"
Or maybe just, "Thanks. So DO YOU! Us great personality folk should stick together."
Oh Merry! I'm sure you don't have a wonderful personality at all....
Sorry. Kidding. Couldn't resist. But I get what you mean. Comes across like a backhanded complement.
Thanks, JavaChick. I do feel better :)
Like you have to choose? Did she not notice the gorgeous hair and porci..., porce..., skin like my mom's best china?
bumbilan: what the woman was
McB, did you just call me a dish? **blush**
I was just recovering from the vertigo of the last post. Now you post a picture of me reacting to the last post.
Clearly, that woman was mistaken about your personality.
tersi: incoherent vertigo-influenced warning about "turbulent sea"
Don't know the context, but I would have been tempted to say something like, "Wow, how courageous of you to offer your unsolicited opinion! I would NEVER have the GUTS to do that! Isn't it just great that some people can say whatever's on their minds, regardless of the situation?"
Or maybe just, "Thanks. So DO YOU! Us great personality folk should stick together."
I think she's jealous. That's what my mom always said when someone made a statement that was hurtful to me.
Next time you see her, give her a "compliment" and follow it up with "Bless your heart" That'll teach her.
You do have a great personality you know but you are also beautiful on the outside as well as on the inside.
Yep, I'm sure she's jealous.
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