What's going on?
Why is it so dark in here?
Did I forget to pay the electric bill?
Wait a minute.
There's a light switch around here somewhere...
Why is it so dark in here?
Did I forget to pay the electric bill?
Wait a minute.
There's a light switch around here somewhere...

I think I like it better in the dark.
At least until I clean up the mess...
do a little light dusting...
maybe bring in a bulldozer...
At least until I clean up the mess...
do a little light dusting...
maybe bring in a bulldozer...
Besides, everyone is celebrating Earth Hour, so I'm not being anti-social, I'm demonstrating solidarity with environmentalists. Yeah, that's the ticket.
So nice to see you posting here and pictures of the new place!! Woohooo! Can't wait to see more.
We turned off most of the lights for Earth Hour and went for an evening walk around the neighborhood. Of course we do that EVERY night so it wasn't really for earth hour.
see, you can just claim earth hour! I completely forgot about earth hour last night until it was almost over.
At least you have curtains and your computer up. The rest will come together eventually.
I completely spaced on earth hour, wasn't until today that I realised I had missed it.
Yay, you posted! I like the mess. If it helps any, just remember that at least all your stuff is now moved in. There's always a bright side. :)
Technically speaking the photo is a wee bit old, i.e. a few weeks ago it looked this bad. But the current view doesn't look all that much better as far as boxes are concerned, so I figured this was representative of the artistic feel of the place, and the intrinsic despair of the chronically disorganized.
I always figured Edvard Munch's painting The Scream was about some contemplating their disorganized living room ;)
Is that a futon I see. Excellent gleefully rubbing hands together I'll step over a box or two if it's not organized by June. Hey, we could all help Bwahahaha
Well dang it--I missed earth hour and this post by several days. (Was too busy burning up insane amounts of gasoline on a cross-country trip to think about environmental issues. Whoops.)
And, um, when you're done with that bulldozer can I borrow it? I think it's gonna come in handy when we start unpacking.
I think it looks lovely Mary.
I've still got a lot of work to do before I post pictures of mine.
I will be happy no matter how cluttered it is. I'm looking forward to June.
In answer to your question on my post, it makes no sense to me either, but there is a very common attitude among ASL Deaf, that the surgery is invasive and unnecessary, so the parents have no right to make that kind of decision for their child. You should just wait and let the child decide when he/she gets older. Talk about a head-in-the-sand attitude. Yet that is what I am running into.
I will be happy no matter how cluttered it is. I'm looking forward to June.
In answer to your question on my post, it makes no sense to me either, but there is a very common attitude among ASL Deaf, that the surgery is invasive and unnecessary, so the parents have no right to make that kind of decision for their child. You should just wait and let the child decide when he/she gets older. Talk about a head-in-the-sand attitude. Yet that is what I am running into.
Good Gawd
You ar totally off your trolley
accchhooooooooo!! The dust is really building up in here Merry!
Sheesh, what's the maid been up to? Looks like she's run off to Tiajuana with the furniture polish :(
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