I'm telling you,
CBs are the best imaginary friends anyone could imagine. I'm saving the champagne for the Summer Solstice party, so I can raise my glass and toast CBs present and absent together. Thank you for my lovely housewarming gift!
(Um... I don't promise that
all the chocolate will still be available, but I do promise to substitute the best chocolate I can find.)
wow that is pretty fabulous!
Mary my dear, DRINK the champagne. We'll bring more, with a variety of beverages as well.
Happy House!
What nice friends!! Happy Housewarming!
Those CB'ers seem like an awesome bunch. And I'm glad to hear you're settling in in the new place!
xpeisma: I had a really bad case of xpeisma this winter but it finally seems to be clearing up.
hey, that turned out pretty.
and your welcome.
and don't worry, i don't think any of us were expecting it to last till June. or even april. :)
Enjoy it, Mary! You deserve it for not only taking such a big step in your life, but also to reward you for all the hassle moving and work have been lately.
Cheers! ;)
Enjoy, that's what it's for!
Anyone else see Berry BonBons and think baseball?
akcikjuw: It's Slavic (you can tell by the abundance of consonants) for Summer Soltice
April? I would have finished it all already by now.
Enjoy! :-)
Very Wonderful!
Enjoy. We can always bring our own (and I'm sure we will) when we come invade...er...visit in June.
Thanks for your message about Rachel. It is SO much easier for the little ones to adapt than for older adults. I applaud your SIL for getting one and taking on that challenge.
Im slooooooooow
just made it here.
better late than never :)
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