Can't I just lay me down to sleep and stop with the exercising already?
Okay, I'll confess.
But why bother trying?
What's the point?
What do you mean, 'depressed'?
Since I moved up to the frozen wilds of Oregon, I can generally count on February being pretty damn depressing, as months go. Now that March has started to Ide its way onto the stage, I'm beginning to think that maybe... just maybe... that "spring" thing they keep talking about might be willing to consider making an appearance. And in spring a young
Any day now, I'm going to get my motivation back.
Last time I checked, it was standing by the side of the freeway, holding a sign that read "Maui or Wherever." (My motivation isn't proud. It just wants out of here. Did it think to invite me along? Of course not. Selfish, that's the only way to describe this sort of behavior.)
Still, when spring rolls around... my motivation is apt to slink in the back door, avoiding my eye and making small talk about how bad the roads have been and how hitching a lift isn't as easy as it used to be in the old days.
It's inevitable. Soon as the daffodils start blooming and the allergies start sneezing, Mr. Motivation shows up expecting me to take up the pursuit of exercise with him as if nothing had ever happened. The bastard. One of these days, I'm just going to change the locks.
Site du jour: "Italian Catholics Picket Parade, Jealous of Irish Catholic History of Oppression"
Exercise du jour: Look, don't expect great things. Me and Mr. M. are barely on speaking terms. Expect 20 minutes on the Elliptical. Maybe a couple miles walking. That's about it.

Counter-Quote du jour: "People often say that cigarettes don't last. Well, neither does motivation. That's why we recommend you smoke two packs daily." -- Cig Cigar, Motivational Corporate Shill for RJ Reynolds (RIP)
Last time I checked, it [motivation] was standing by the side of the freeway, holding a sign that read "Maui or Wherever."
ZOMG!1! Did they FINALLY build that bridge from Oregon to Maui?!1!? Be sure to fill the car's tank before you get on it!
Hahahahahaha! Just effin with you, sister! I find ridicule to be a GREAT motivator. Personally? When I'm ridiculed? It motivates me to cry LIKE A GIRL!
But I hears ya on the whole motivation thing. Tough to find in the nasty weather months.
Also ... 21 years ago last month I was in Portland, OR and I quit smoking. TAKE THAT, Cig Cigar!1!
As for the site du jour ... Hahahahaha! I'm Irish, but corned beef? To me, it tastes the like divil's jock strap. Corned, of course.
Uh ... "the like" is Irish for "like the".
Let the ridicule commence. I'll just be sittin' here cryin'.
N.B.: At least I didn't try to rickroll you today.
Or did I?
Well, I'm a little afraid to follow all that blarney, but I'm with you about spring and motivation. Dear Weatherman: I would very much like for the cold weather to be over now. For good. KThanxBye!
Hope the ass end of March heralds the return of that bastard, Motivation (for both of us).
Laura, does the Weatherman listen to you? If so, yes, please put in a good word for the rest of us :)
Link, Glaven? What link? I didn't see any link she says, skipping over any suspicious hypertext.
Apparently the Irish in Ireland don't actually bother with corned beef. All those years of eating the danged stuff, and then I found that out. I felt betrayed. As if I'd been... rickrolled.
And yeah, my motivation would try to hitch a lift to Maui. It's not too bright.
"I call this holiday getting even," he mused. "It's kind of the American way."
LMAO! Yep, pitting two of our more popular cultural heritages against each other. Well, what do you expect from a nation that turned another country's favorite drinking tune into their national anthem?
Sorry about the motivation. Mine takes a vacation without me sometimes too. Fortunately it's always found it's way back home. Usually when I start to eye someone else's motivation. Then it comes home.
I'd LOVE to visit Oregon. So many beautiful places to hike. It's on my life list.
My word verification to make a comment: "forkin" As in "where is my forkin motivation?!"
Perfect post for me today, thanks! We are actually having pretty beautiful weather here in TX, but I keep losing my motivation on the way home. It certainly knows the way to my house, but keeps taking side trips and leaving me all alone!
I feel the same way. Winter blues and no motivation. pray god that spring comes quickly.
Hope Mr. Motivation quits with the wanderlust. Or maybe you need to move to Hawai'i with him.
Careful with that freeway sign. You might just end up in Michigan. You think Motivation doesn't come around Oregon so much....just think how little it comes around here.
Isn't Hell located in Michigan?
I was just thinking the other day that the New Year and all its resolutions should start in the springtime instead of Gloomruary. That's interesting about what the ancients think. Oh, wait, maybe I am among the ancients.
Why don't you post your weight on the site? That will motivate you :-)
You want me to What????
(a) It's coming, it's coming, the spring, the warmies, hold on!! (I live in Quebec, so I feel you.)
(b) Times are hard, it's rough going, so I say... go for... look down on someone else and feel smug. I offer myself up to you, cause I don't even go on walks! I know you'll be back here again soon, putting me to shame. You go girl!
Thanks, London M! I would post more, but I can't seem to find any good pictures of HJ that a) aren't copyrighted by flesh-eating lawyers and b)I haven't already used. It's a dilemma :(
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